Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Trick to the Treadmill

I think I figured it out! I have to be watching something I haven't seen before (or at least haven't memorized line for line,) and it doesn't hurt to do a programed run. I seem to flounder more when I just try to run and customize my own run. I felt pretty good today considering it's been 4 days in a row, some of which were very sore. I've also been stretching a lot and doing crunches. It's crazy to think I was running outside yesterday puddle jumping in 40 degree weather to be forced inside today by temps of -10!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Puddle Jumping in January

Normally I'm all for running in the rain and puddle jumping, not so much in January. Even though it was hot today, 40 degrees!, the puddles were still ice cold. Not to mention it was dark out so I couldn't always see the puddles or the ice hiding underneath them... Needless to say it was still fun running outside in January before it goes below zero again.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Oh Treadmill How I Loath Thee

Yep definitely don't like running on the treadmill. It's going to be my last resort as a running option. It was really hard for me to run the 1.75 miles that I did today just due to sheer boredom even though I had a movie going. On the plus side I didn't walk.

It's hard to believe that I've been running for almost 2 years now! Back then I couldn't just go run 3 miles and now it's old hat. I'm really proud of how far I've come!

I forgot to mention goals earlier. I have 3 goals for the San Diego Marathon.
1) Just finish is always my main goal
2) Walk only during planned walk breaks i.e. water stops, I still haven't mastered the art of drinking out of a paper cup while running without wearing it all
3) Beat 6 hours

Saturday, January 26, 2008

20 Degrees, That's Warm! Let's Go For A Run!

Ok you know you've lived in Minnesota a little too long when 20 degrees looks and feels warm enough to go run outside. But that is exactly what I did today. Wearing only long underwear leggings, shorts, technical long sleeve shirt, fleece zip-up, hat and gloves I was off running my favorite course through the freshly fallen snow. I don't know how many of you have been running in the depths of winter before but it's a workout! You spend most of the time really watching for ice and jumping sides of the path avoiding it, so much harder than just running, not to mention the slippery footing in the snow. I think I'm going to have to get yak tracks if I'm going to keep this up, I did see footprints with them on the path. Not the greatest run ever but it was 20 degrees out, fresh snow, I'm out of running shape and I had been skating for nearly 2 hours just prior. It was a good kick-off to the training season!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Spirit of the Marathon

Last night was the national screening of Spirit of the Marathon which made me cry throughout the entire movie, but it was the push I needed to start training for San Diego. It was great to see my first marathon (London 2006) again and remind me of what started it all. Granted I didn't actually compete in one until Grandma's 2007. So with the last bits of my concussion and hangover (from New Orleans) finally worn off, it's go time!